Monday, February 1, 2010

Letter Forms Project

I found the process of this project really interesting and fun. I enjoyed playing around with the letters and creating different designs or images with the letters. I created three designs in order to get my three final designs. I created the “a” design first out of these chosen three.

For all three letterforms, I chose the simple, non- ornate letterform and typeface Arial because I wanted simple forms without any extra decoration. I wanted the way the letters were put together and placed to create movement, instead of the decoration some typefaces have.

With my “a” design, I experimented with the effects of weight, gravity and movement by interlocking and overlapping the terminals and arms of the a’s together to create a link like look. This creates movement because it carries your eyes down the page, following the links of a’s. Again, I chose Arial for the second design because of its’ simple design and non- decorative aspects. I chose greenish colors because the design reminded me of leaves.

We were then asked to recreate the design but with only using color. I chose blues and to use the same color as the background as the outline, just to try it out.

With the second design, the entire piece uses gravity, weight and tension with the illusion of the larger “t” pushing down on all of the smaller ones. This also creates perspective because there is one huge “t” and many small, little “t”‘s. Again, I chose Arial for the third design because of its’ simple design and non- decorative aspects.

With the third design, I created movement by displaying tension from the smaller “s”’s coming out of the larger one, almost looking like a water hose.