Saturday, February 20, 2010

Project 2: Word Connotation & Denotation

For project 2, I chose the three words I could easily create into a composition, I chose itchy, thrill and frozen. For each word, I brainstormed words and feelings that described those. After this I sketched out simple design ideas for each word; from the sketches, I replicated them onto the computer and then started embellishing them. In order be connotative, I had to design the word so that it made the viewer feel something. Denotation, however, involves outright displaying what the word means. I chose the ‘thrill’ design as my final because that was the design I had most luck with color for. I chose reds, oranges and yellows to signify a fast, thrilling ride, like a rollercoaster. The movement involved in my final is also supposed to be connotative of a thrilling, fast ride because of the spiraling “thrills” that morph into the downward falling, larger “thrill.”

In getting to a solution for designing the word ‘thrill’, I would watch television and Google images to help me get a better feeling about the word. This helped me because the most challenging thing for me was creating something that didn’t denotate the word ‘thrill,’ but expressed feelings about it. After seeing an image of a rollercoaster, that’s when I decided to imitate the movement and feeling of riding one.

During this project, I came to value the process of creating a finished piece like I did; the ideas, interpretation and inspiration that came to me were hard to come by. I enjoyed this project because I really felt tested with the guidelines and with using Adobe Illustrator. I realized how rusty I was with the software and I was glad I got a chance to use it and become familiar with it once again. I am satisfied with the end result; however, I would like to have a chance to use different fonts to see if there is a difference. I am happy about the color selection I used, because I normally don’t like using color. I might want to try a gradient instead of coloring each individual item.

Frozen: (Sketch)

Itchy: (Sketch)

Itchy: (Comp)

Thrill (Sketch)

Thrill (Comp)

Thrill (Final)